The Metro mileage is only the tenth in the country. The construction of Tianjin Metro under the municipality directly under the Central Government needs to be speeded up.

* 来源 : * 作者 : admin * 发表时间 : 2018-12-29 * 浏览 : 12
       Since this month, the urban rail transit planning of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chongqing and Jinan has been approved. In addition to the rail transit planning of Changchun and Suzhou approved in July and August, since the second half of this year, the rail transit construction of the first and second-tier metropolitan areas has become the focus of capital construction.
       As the second Metro City in China, Tianjin Metro is only the tenth largest Metro City with the fifth largest population. Faced with this gap, since the second half of this year, Tianjin has taken a series of measures to accelerate the pace of subway construction.
       The second Metro was built, but the mileage was only the tenth.
Tianjin Municipal Government Office recently issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Adjustment of Transport Structure in Tianjin" to promote the multi-level green travel system of rail transit, ground bus and slow traffic, and build a public transport system with rail transit as the backbone and urban bus as the main body. Implementing the speed-up project of rail transit construction projects, optimizing the layout of rail transit network planning, and scientifically formulating rail transit construction planning
       The Work Programme on Implementing the Key Tasks of Further Strengthening the Planning, Construction and Management of Urban Rail Transit (hereinafter referred to as the "Program") is also issued by the Tianjin Municipal Government Office. The plan puts forward that we should synchronize with the compilation of the construction plan, organize the feasibility demonstration of the project ahead of time, deepen the line station plan in combination with the urban planning, strengthen the survey and design, and implement the construction conditions.
Cities with rail transit mileage exceeding 100 km in 2017
       A major background here is that in August this year, the Tianjin Municipal Committee decided to hold three leaders of municipal management enterprises seriously accountable for their inaction and inaction in their work. Among them, Miao Yugang, former party secretary and chairman of Tianjin Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Liu Yuqi, former deputy party secretary and general manager of Tianjin Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., were both held accountable for inaction and dismissed from relevant positions.
       In the accountability content of Miao Yugang, the former chairman, he mentioned that he "relied on pushing and dragging in his work, stood by his share, and lacked the sense of responsibility. Business consciousness is indifferent, pushing things forward, thinking is rigid and backward, there is no initiative to break into the market and flexibly allocate resources on my own initiative, no timely use of new financing methods to speed up the construction of urban rail transit, miss the good opportunity for development.
       Tianjin is the fifth largest city in urban population in China and the second Metro City to open to traffic. In 1984, Tianjin officially opened the subway, earlier than Shanghai. However, the construction of Tianjin Metro has been very slow since then.
       In 2017, the mileage of Tianjin Rail Transit Vehicle is 175 kilometers, ranking 10th in China, which 
is only one quarter of Beijing and Shanghai, and half of Guangzhou. Not only is it far inferior to the first-tier cities, but compared with the second-tier cities such as Chengdu, Wuhan and Chongqing, which started to build Metro in the new century, Tianjin rail transit has also fallen a large part.

The vanguards ahead ran farther and farther. At the end of this year, rail transit mileage in many big cities will increase substantially. The first phase of Guangzhou Metro Line 14, Zengcheng Square to Zhenlong West Section of Line 21 and Yangang to Lijiao Section of Guangzhou-Foshan Line are scheduled to open for trial operation on December 28. The network mileage of Guangzhou Line will reach 478 kilometers. By the end of this year, the third and fourth phases of Xiyan and 8th lines of Beijing Metro Line 6 will be opened to traffic, and the total mileage of Beijing Metro will 

reach 636.8km.
      The cities behind Tianjin are also catching up fast. For example, Hangzhou, which is striving to become the "fifth first-tier city", has developed rapidly in recent years despite its late start of subway construction. According to Xinhua News Agency on December 22, Miao Chengchao, vice mayor of Hangzhou, said that by 2022, Hangzhou will have a 13-track urban rail transit backbone network, which will cover 10 urban areas with a total length of 516 kilometers.
       In addition, since this month, urban rail transit planning in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chongqing and Jinan has been approved, together with the previous plans for rail transit in Changchun and Suzhou approved in July and August. Since the second half of this year, the construction of rail transit in the first and second-tier metropolitan areas has become the focus of capital construction.
       Hu Gang, professor of Jinan University and President of South China Urban Research Association, made a financial analysis of the first place. The development of big cities in China is undergoing a tremendous change, that is, from the automobile era to the rail transit era, which is much faster than that in Europe and the United States. At present, cities with a population of 45 million or more in urban areas in China will rely on rail transit as the main mode of transportation in the future.
       Tianjin Should Rise Up and Catch Up
       "Tianjin Urban Rail Transit Phase II Construction Plan (2015-2020)" was approved in September 2015, but there are still many lines still not started construction.
       Earlier in October, Lu Zhiyong, the new chairman of Tianjin Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., said in an interview with local media that the mileage of Tianjin Rail Transit now in operation does not match the status of Tianjin municipality directly under the Central Government, and ranks behind in the country. "At present, Tianjin has not started construction of lines 7, 11, 8, there are extension lines of line 6 and the northern section of line 4. The network planning has already been completed, and the state has approved it, but it has not been built yet.
       An urban rail system official told the first financial reporter that the development of Tianjin rail transit in recent years is indeed more conservative and less bright. Whether it is the "Internet +" that is vigorously promoted in the industry, or in the orbit + property mode and the development and construction of the Metro business circle, the progress of Tianjin rail transit is relatively slow.
      In this regard, the aforementioned "On Implementing Further Strengthening the Planning and Construction Management of Urban Rail Transit"